New York
Los Angeles
Isabella Parish
Ciaran Bennett
Asia & Australia
Driving long distance in the pursuit of love, Future Islands follows the courtship of two cars through a meticulously choreographed cross-country affair. Across landscapes marked by the remnants of bygone human civilizations, the love story unfolds in the futuristic guise of CG digital filmmaking.
Immersing the audience in a world that teeters the line of photorealism and artistic painterliness, the film employs cinematic techniques to mirror the feel of traditional live-action sequences despite its entirely digital nature. Inspired by the tranquil aftermath of the coronavirus lockdown, Sam Mason envisioned a narrative resonating with the meditative calm that swept the world during that period. The film envisions a post-apocalyptic scenario where nature peacefully reclaims its dominion, evoking a serene realm where nature forgets about humanity, akin to an optimistic Garden of Eden. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 lockdown, Sam crafted the film in total isolation, utilizing cutting-edge CG techniques to create a live-action feel, a testament to Sam’s penchant for pushing creative boundaries.
Director Sam Mason
Rendered with GarageFarm
Special Thanks to Anna, Jemima, Mike, Willy, Saad, Eric, Arsen, and Hornet