New York
Los Angeles
Isabella Parish
Ciaran Bennett
Asia & Australia
In the seedy underbelly of food-noir, detectives Harry and Callaham, a ham and egg detective duo, carve a gritty narrative. Defying the rules set by their explosive boss, Knishoner, they’re hot on the trail to solve egg-related crimes, facing reprimand and suspensions along the way. As they unravel the eggicides mystery, they plunge into the heart of organized crime, real estate, and the city skyline itself, guided by a diverse cast including a bacon pimp, an oyster, and Olive, the pimento-coiffed forensics specialist.
Harry, the thick-shelled, quick-witted egg, navigates danger with high cholesterol and a relentless moral code, battling inner demons that rival the criminals he pursues. His partner Callaham, a hyper-macho slice of ham with a penchant for policing and a kink for mischief, adds spice to their crime-fighting endeavors. In a world where food characters mirror the quirks of classic noir, Harry and Callaham crack cases, bringing a delicious blend of crime and comedy to the forefront.
Written & Directed Peter Sluszka
Produced by Peter Sluszka, Marty Green, Anita Chao
Associate Producers Sean O’Loughlin, Joel Kretschman
Executive Producers Greg Bedard, Michael Feder
Director of Photography Ivan Abel
Motion Control Richard Coppola
Editor Anita Chao
Assistant Editors Hyeseung Kim, Minseok Kim, Cole Bannick
Animator Peter Sluszka
With Additional Animation Matt Somma, Kevin Coyle, Eileen Kohlhepp
Composer Carmen Borgia
Sound Editing & Foley Kevin Wilson, Matt Gundy, Harley Fine
Musicians Javier Oviedo - Soprano Saxophone
Alison Davy - Soprano
Whispering Palms
Artist Biller and Horton
Writer Dave Leroy Biller, Bobby Horton
Publisher Tele Roy Music, BMI
Courtesy of Vinylux Records
St Ides
Written and performed by Matt McGlade, Charlie Aceto
Performed by Fright Barker and Sons
Voice Cast
Edd Hall Harry
Joey Wells Callaham
Mark Mintz Knishoner
George S. Irving Juicy Le Straw
Lola Glaudini Pearl
Anne Heche Olive
Chris Chalk Stripes
Judy Greer Corn
Tavet Gilson Lothario Alley Egg
Josephine Wheelwright Sexy Alley Egg
Anthony Henderson Lary
Tom Wayland Finnegan
Dan Abdo Rookie Tomato Cop
Marc Thompson Asparagus
Scott Williams Wally
Duncan Donut as himself
Crowdfunding Producer Jan Wohrle Stebbins
Promotional Art Yves Geleyn, Pat Dorian, Angie Yeun Son
Art & Fabrication Tim MacDonald, Pete Erickson, Nathan Asquith, Deb Yan, Morgan Bouttier, Elise Ferguson, Geroge Raggett, Anthony Gallante, Danielle Edwards
Bismark Fernandes, Sami Kerwin, Matt Christensen, Maxwell Sorrensen, Ben Phelan, Molly Porter, Angela Stempel, Matt Schaerenbroich, Jenna Clearly, Melissa Chow, Raphael Vangelis, Eric Duke, Kerry Coutu, Cassey Follen, Erika Bettencourt, Hilary Barton, Emma Noble, Kelsey Brewer, Jackie Nash, Connie Li Chan, Ben Kress, Madow Tsai, Dorthy Thiessen, Jon Hartman, Katie Strutz, Camille Labarre, Markus Wagner, Koren Harpaz
Costumes Lilian Crowe, Samantha J. Smith, Yumi Kobayashi
Sculptors George Jenne, Michael Lawrence
Compositors John Harrison,HeeYeon Chang,Ted Wiggin,Shwenn Chang,Xiao Xiao Tang,HaeDeun Woo,Sam Stulin,Bil Thompson,Peter Fink,Matt Scharenbroich,Mikail Ekiz,Matt DeFranco,Emily Mai,Herculano Fernandes,Miranda Leighr,T’Naige Wallace,Cody Chen,Craig Nowicki
Color Honest Labor
Colorist Shawn King
Color Producer Max Macnow
Storyboard Development David Zung
Title Design Claire Kho, Miranda Leighr, Terren Krietzman
Script Consultant Frank Sluszka|
2D Title Animation Sami Healy,Ty Enos, Marvin Li