New York
Los Angeles
Isabella Parish
Ciaran Bennett
Asia & Australia
Through dynamic motion and iridescent fabric animation, the designs boldly celebrate emerging talent in the places where many of these artists (and their fans) call home.
Each OOO screen featured several 15 second spots for different artists, each one using different compositions and motion.
Director Itay Tevel, Samuel Jerome Mason
Client Spotify
Production Co Hornet
Managing Director Hana Shimizu
Head of Production Karen Lawler
Head of Creative Development Kristin Labriola
Executive Producer Cathy Kwan
Associate Producer Annalee Walton
Editor Sam Stulin
Assistant Editor Hyeseung Kim
CG Design Gonzalo Miranda, Oscar Chen, Samuel Jerome Mason
CG Animator Oscar Chen
Motion Design
Motion Animators Erik Righetti, Guilherme Ferreirinha, Hui Chi Chuang, Itay Tevel, Mitchell Blass
Motion Interns Tyler West, YouTing Lin
Song Mytholgica by Ofrin